W. T. Falscher

Artist statement

You can throw away disused things or nail them to a wooden board and sell them for a million USD.
Thank the era of disinformation, which is expected to end on January 20, 2029.

I avoid unfinished things wherever possible. That’s why I decided to produce the last work on January 20, 2029. This means that I already know the end at the start or put more simply: this is the concept I have set myself for the next four years.
Perhaps this is interesting for those who long for an end to this era or for those who see art as an investment. Every original only exists once.

I also publish older works that have nothing in common with the next four years. I call them trivial art.

For interested buyers with price quotation, all enquiries, complaints, threats and hate mail visit solitart.com.
I’m not on Facebook, Instagram or X.

You can also wear me on your body - The Up-To-Date T-shirt from W. T. Falscher

Buy the world

Today it is hip to shift the borders of sovereign states, to buy or simply occupy countries. How does that feel? Try it out for yourself. Buy yourself a nation.
Go ahead!

Buy the world – Become a part of net art history.
Net Art history by shopping spree

The Statement

Don’t say later that you couldn’t say anything. Now you have the opportunity to comment on world events. Take a clear position.

Net Art History. “The Statement” is a collaborative work between you me. All the digital works are an important part of contemporary net art.

Net Art history by statement